Thursday, September 13, 2012


This government cannot be following the LON, and this government is nothing more then a corporate bully, as they allow the Federal Reserve to counterfeit money of another nation (America). LON Book 1 Chapter X § 108: “How one nation may injure another in the article of coin: From the principles just laid down, it is easy to conclude, that if one nation counterfeits the money of another, or if she allows and protects false-coiners who presume to do it, she does that nation an injury. However, commonly criminals of this class find no protection anywhere — all princes being equally interested in exterminating them”.

Then again, the Federal Reserve System is not a country, is not a member of any country, and yet it still robs the people, by creating false-coins. They are not a state, as state is also a designation for a country or land, “a man’s home is his castle”, and “‘sovereign’ is a landowner”. The constitution clearly reflects this: “No state shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in payment of debts”. Therefore, here, in the USA, we need not the Federal Reserve, as long as the people create Tender out of Gold, or Silver, when paying debts owed to the Government, as that is the only form to pay debts the government can accept. (Definition: Accept: To receive with approval or satisfaction: to receive with intent. Black’s Law Dictionary 4th)
 We, the people, as individuals, are not a country, nor could we be with a common currency. Even if we were to coin our own money, as each of us, the people, are sovereign. We could create bonds; this would be circulating foreign commercial paper. Why is this important to understand? Besides not having lawful money (gold or silver), it infringes on our right to contract, and pay debts to the government, and government created entities (everything that exists on paper). If our contracts use the symbol of “$”, or the word “pay” in the contracts, or anything that reflects “dollars” to the government, then it reflects “gold or silver currency” for the debt, lawful money, reflecting the “gold and silver clause” in the constitution. If you use any Thing, other then gold or silver to pay a debt in any connection to the government created accounts, or numbers, then contractually, it is invalid. You are in dishonor; breach of contract; lied; committed fraud; support rebellion; or simply, you are an enemy of the Republic.
Is FRNs legal tender? Yes. Nevertheless, some would have an opposing point of view. So let us look at the opposing view first. This is the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 under § 18 of the Federal Reserve Act (38 Stat., 268, 269) the various Federal reserve banks could issue circulating notes of the same tenor and under nearly identical terms and conditions as the circulating notes of the national banks.
This is an example a Federal Reserve Bank Note. A “National Currency” (note). Issued pursuant § 18 of the Federal Reserve Act. It states on the top, “National Currency” signed by the Controller and Governor, I assume of the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis. It also states will “PAY” to the Bearer on Demand. Now we have Federal Reserve Notes that do not have the same verbiage but claims to be legal tender. Can a note be legal tender? If I give you a note, also known as a promissory note, is it legal tender? What if I were to write on the note, good for all debts public and private? The Federal Reserve Bank issues the above, and it was lawful money, now we have legal tender issued by the Federal Reserve System. Where is this authorized? I cannot find it. If you find it, share it.
In 1982 Congress re-codified Title 31, Money and Finance by way of a statute known as P.L. 97-258, 96 Stat. 877. In that statute the legal tender, status of United States coins and currencies was re-assigned, at § 5103. Legal Tender United States coins and currency (including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal reserve banks and national banks) are legal tender for all debts. Where is the Federal Reserve System? Foreign gold or silver coins are not legal tender for debts.” Why is any gold not legal tender? Because; it is lawful money. Lawful money, credit instruments, cannot co-mingle with debt instruments, Federal Reserve Notes. Would you put accounts receivable and accounts payable in the same place?
As the Federal Reserve System is not a part of the government and is a private corporation, foreign gold and silver would include, United States Silver and Gold coins and all that is built upon it. This also means that FRNs are not US Currency, as this statute includes FRNs, as a part of the legal tender, thus indicating they are different species. Now foreign coins are not legal tender for debts but they could be lawful money, if it is made of, or backed by gold or silver. It does not mean that lawful foreign coins cannot be used for debts, it just kind of puts us in a situation we can only use FRNs (foreign tender), for debts. You have a cloud over the title of everything you purchase with FRN’s, because you did not “pay” for it. Recall US Constitution, Article 1 §10: “No State shall.... pass any.... Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts”. Contracts demand the use of “$”, US Currency, or “pay”; that is to say, gold and/or silver. So the question, is there a law that changed that? Where did the law come from? What changed that requirement? Is it legal? We have seen the US Constitution claims debts must be “paid” in gold or silver, for all debts. No statute can abrogate the Constitutional requirement of the use of gold and silver to pay debts, in the republican form of government. This changed in 1933 in congress: an act of rebellion against these United States of America. However, this is not so in the Democracy. This is a bankrupt corporation impersonating a government, in an act of rebellion and in agreement with the 14th amendment. Why Bankrupt? The Corporate Democracy, US, of which has no credit instruments, (Gold and/or Silver) just debt instruments. If all I have are debts and cannot pay them, what actions would I take other than bankruptcy?
Yet, in all of this it also claims “and circulating notes”, below in HJR 192. Regardless, it is not lawful currency; it might be legal tender. States can coin their own money, at any time. People can also, however, do not call them a dollar. Call it 999.999% silver, one ounce, but never a dollar. Dollar is a US Term and value. You cannot give it a name similar to any country. Name it your last name- sorry, should be your- family name with Estate: Doe Estate, John occupant of the executor office, Seattle, Washington, 99.9 % pure silver, if it in fact is. You created it, why can you not put your seal on it?
Now let us examine the other side of the coin. A Federal Reserve note is both a note and a dollar. It is a note in the sense that it represents a promise by the United States to pay the stated face amount of the instrument to the bearer on demand in lawful money. It is a dollar in the sense that the value of the note is stated in units of one dollar. The statutory authority for the creation and issuance of Federal Reserve notes is provided by § 16 of the Federal Reserve Act (see 12 O.S.C. S 411). That section provides that Federal Reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, shall be obligations of the United States redeemable in “lawful money” on demand at the Treasury Department in Washington, D.C. or at any Federal Reserve Bank. In this connection, it should be noted that Federal Reserve notes are themselves lawful money. Although not defined by statute, the term “lawful money” is generally regarded as meaning any medium of exchange that freely circulates from hand to hand as money under sanction of law. The decisions of the courts indicate that lawful money includes the classes of money that are declared by the laws of the United States to be legal tender. Since title 31 § 392 provides that all coins and currencies of the United States, including Federal Reserve notes, regardless of when coined or issued, are legal tender for all debts, a Federal Reserve note is legal tender.