Monday, January 2, 2012


What is “Accepted For Value”? Is “Accepted For Value” a valid process? While there are variations of the words and the magic that happens, as indicated by parenthesis, it has been generally noted that the language at a 45˚ angle, goes something like: Accept(ed) for Value; (Return for Value); (For settlement and Closure); Exempt from Levy. “By:” One would then holograph autograph (sign it, AKA wet ink signature, Creditor, Republic, Man on the land) and below would place, Authorized Representative, Exemption Identification Number (Social Security without dashes), and date it. For Deposit to the United States Treasury and charge the same to “the Vessel of the UNITED STATES” (The All Capital Name, your name in all capital letters, the debtor, democracy, Citizen of District of Columbia) and the number assigned to it (Tax Identification Number AKA Social Security Number with dashes). Generally, two colors are used, Red, and Blue. All of the above in Red and sign in Blue or reverse them. Then an Order for Money is created, or a Money Order. This is done horizontally. Money Order; Pay to the US Treasury (some claim the company). Then just like a check: $10.01 (an example number amount), Ten and 01/100 dollars; $10.01. Holograph autograph (signature), “Authorized Representative”, and “Exemption Identification Number”. Then like a check to you, you would indorse the back of the Money Order, some add “without recourse”.


  1. I inherited a big Victorian monstrosity which I live in now, and the mortgage, but I was unable to take over the mortgage because I'm a senior living at the edge & couldn't afford the fee. - I pay the motgage, but it is "the Estate of" my mother. - Will the A4V program work for me?

  2. it will work, but get the right person to help you

  3. it will work, but get the right person to help you
