Thursday, December 26, 2013


When we create the AFV and the money order, we are giving them permission for the Treasury department to place our creation, i.e. AFV & MO, under the rules of foreign coin, weights and measures, as established by congress, Article 1, § 8: “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures”. Our creations are foreign to the Government and even more so to the democracy; but it also foreign to everyone else, as theirs is to everyone of us non-government employees. Therefore, once we accepted the presentment/statement/bill for value, they are to release the funds. Their scripture allows for this as well. Consider that funds are not money, may not even be FRNs, or even circulating notes. Funds are define as “a sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose, financial resources, a large stock or supply of something, or an organization set up for the administration and management of a monetary fund”. UCC § 3-602: “(a) Subject to subsection (b), an instrument is paid to the extent payment is made (i) by or on behalf of a party obliged to pay the instrument, and (ii) to a person entitled to enforce the instrument. To the extent of the payment, the obligation of the party obliged to pay the instrument is discharged even though payment is made with knowledge of a claim to the instrument under Section 3-306 by another person.”
The Treasury has an obligation (Public Trust) as a department of government serving the public (people) interest to the bank which as a member of the Federal Reserve System that has a commercial obligation to an account holder and a 3rd party who tendered the item in payment to tell them that its not any good or its not going to be honored, even if they wanted to keep it for prosecution or investigation. This is in effect what the directive says the government will do if its no good.
Public:  of or concerning the people as a whole: • open to or shared by all the people of an area or country: • ordinary people in general; the community: in public in view of other people: • ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French, from Latin publicus, blend of poplicus ‘of the people’ (from populus ‘people’) and pubes ‘adult.’
They do not dishonor it in any way by return of the item or the sending of any notice to that effect, or make request for additional information or time for examination of the instrument, or given a statement of explanation indicating the time frame for its review and settlement if it would be an inordinately lengthy time as longer than 60 days to finish with it. The instruments are being kept, held, and without return or dishonor, are accepted as an obligation of the United States in the discharge and recovery of the public debt as it makes claim on its face to be.
Put another way: If the bank had had to pay the item to honor its customer agreement as if it had been a check, what would or could the bank be trying to do with it to finally settle the account? The bank needs to treat the Instrument tendered as an obligation of the United States to the bank. The tender of these Instruments discharge the obligation of the debt for which they are delivered and the payee becomes the new holder in due course and collection agent on the Instruments.

Title 31 § 3335: Timely disbursement of Federal funds
(a) Each head of an executive agency (other than the Tennessee Valley Authority) shall, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, provide for the timely disbursement of Federal funds through cash, checks, electronic funds transfer, or any other means identified by the Secretary.
(b) The Secretary may collect from any executive agency which does not comply with subsection (a) a charge in an amount the Secretary determines to be the cost to the general fund of the Treasury caused by such noncompliance.
(c) The amounts of charges collected from an executive agency under this section shall be deposited in the Treasury and credited as miscellaneous receipts.
(d) Any charge assessed by the Secretary under this section, to the maximum extent practicable—
(1) shall be paid out of appropriations available for executive agency operations; and
(2) shall not be paid from amounts available for funding programs of an executive agency.

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