Thursday, December 26, 2013


With credit cards companies, the debt is theirs, as they gave us assurance that they would pay the debt, and they never do, for they cannot pay it with gold or silver. Therefore, the only value is by our own hand: what we can do is, “Accept For Value”, in spite of not having gold, or silver. When the people accept it for value, it becomes valuable, the people have spoken. Government is required to pay in gold or silver, people are not. However, if we are to do business with the government, then what we accept for value must be translated into an acceptable currency for the government to use. They exchange it, for what? I do not care. I am foreign to the government, as an American and their money is considered worthless (illegal and void), as they are public servants, and create debt instruments, the only way the money has value is if the people have faith in it. It could be poker chips as far as anyone is concern. How do I know FRNs are worthless? It says so in the IRS codes:
Title 26 § 165 (g)(2)(C); this is where worthless securities are defined. “(g) Worthless securities: (2) For purposes of this subsection, the term “security” means: (C) a bond, debenture, note, or certificate, or other evidence of indebtedness, issued by a corporation or by a government or political subdivision thereof, with interest coupons or in registered form”.
Federal Reserve Notes are evidence of a debt, an instrument registered (serial numbers) and created by a corporation. Anything that is not gold or silver from the government is evidence of indebtedness. Section g2C declares it a security of indebtedness and that it is worthless, in complete agreement with the 14th Amendment § 4, “The validity of the public debt shall not be questioned, but all such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void”.
If it comes from the people, it is a credit instrument, unless it is a promise to pay. There is so much more, I have included some important sections. Some believe “Accepted For Value” or “Accept for Value” is an offset or discharge. Personally, I do not care. They took the gold, and silver, taxed me for using their money system that I am forced to use, not by choice. Let us review a few of these interesting sections. Such as Title 31 § 3701: “(a) In this chapter—(1) “administrative offset” means withholding funds payable by the United States (including funds payable by the United States on behalf of a State government) to, or held by the United States for, a person to satisfy a claim”.
Here are some other thoughts: If the government says they are spending taxpayer money, then they admit that the money is ours and not owed to the IRS! If it is owed, then it is not ours! If they borrow the money from the taxpayer, then how can the taxpayer pay a debt the government owes? The Government has to pay it back to the people. The 14th amendment claims they do not have to pay it. If I borrow money from you, how long will it take you to pay off the debt? Never! No worry, you cannot complain!
Furthermore, they have no authority to borrow money from the taxpayer, the government can only borrow on the credit of the United States. Article 1, § 8. To borrow Money on the credit of the United States. Therefore, now we see why Birth certificates are created, they needed vessels, thus property (US CITIZENS), now they have collateral, something of value.

If, all money is a debt instrument, then the only way to pay off the national debt is to surrender all FRNs. No money would exits and in fact, due to interests, fees, penalties, we would owe more then what exists. It would be invalid; as there is no way to pay the debt, and we would all be bankrupt. The law cannot demand an impossibility. However, this was true even when gold was being used. The only way to resolve this is by the use of foreign currency, and stuff made up by people, as people are foreign to governments. If I give it value and you accept it for value, then it exists as value, debts can be paid, or settled. This value created by the Sovereign and accepted by other sovereigns, who are not bound by the LON, will offset, or settle the debts of the government and make them go away. Government can only coin gold, people can write scripts, and have it given value by the US Treasury to be used by the people in commerce. The government uses the private script to trade it for FRNs; it is not a part of the national debt. In essence, I created the FRNs when I create notes, or bonds. They maybe debt instruments, however, it is backed by my private script as actual value. Does the government have the authority to settle claims? Let us look at their bible, US codes, their scripture says yeah. “Title 31 § 3702. Authority to settle claims: (b)(1) a claim against the Government presented under this section must contain the signature and address of the claimant or an authorized representative. The claim must be received by the official responsible under subsection (a) for settling the claim or by the agency that conducts the activity from which the claim arises within 6 years after the claim accrues except…”. UCC “§ 3-603(b): If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a person entitled to enforce the instrument and the tender is refused, there is discharge, to the extent of the amount of the tender, of the obligation of an indorser or accommodation party having a right of recourse with respect to the obligation to which the tender relates.”
Lets see, signature, address of the claimant or authorized representative. If you know the verbiage of the AFV (“Accepted For Value” or “Accept for Value”), this requirement is present (address is included on their voucher). It has nothing to do with backed by gold, silver, bonds, or anything in fact. Feel free to correct me. Do they have the right to collect? Their Mammon based scripture says this.

Title 31 § 3711. Collection and compromise
(a) The head of an executive, judicial, or legislative agency—
(1) shall try to collect a claim of the United States Government for money or property arising out of the activities of, or referred to, the agency;
(1) If a nontax debt or claim owed to the United States has been delinquent for a period of 180 days
(A) The head of the executive, judicial, or legislative agency that administers the program that gave rise to the debt or claim shall transfer the debt or claim to the Secretary of the Treasury; and
(B) upon such transfer the Secretary of the Treasury shall take appropriate action to collect or terminate collection actions on the debt or claim.
(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply—
(A) to any debt or claim that—
(i) is in litigation or foreclosure;

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